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Obama, Now Biden, or Harris? Will we Survive ?

Obama, now Biden . Will we Survive ?


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Monday, November 4, 2013


10/30/13 OBAMA's ULTIMATE GOAL, "SINGLE PAYER HEALTHCARE" ? Re WHAT HIS ADVISOR ONCE SAID (for years now,I've been getting a newsletter from a san francisco-based group re single payer healthcare...not sure how I got on their mailing list, but they keep mailing me. To be honest, I don't know all the pros & cons of the various modes of healthcare,but there seems to be an "agenda" going on with the obama admin. Is this their end goal?
search: ezekial emmanuel,ipab,complete lives system,hippocratic oath,medicare,medicaid,obamacare*

"...According to Dr. Ezekial Emmanuel, in
We need a single payer healthcare
system. But, Americans won't want to
give up their options and their
choices. So, we'll appeal to their
compassion. We'll tell them we'll be
able to provide healthcare for
everyone. And, since Americans are
good and decent people, they'll go
along with it. We'll tell them, we can
pay for it by eliminating waste, fraud,
abuse and duplication. But, anyone
who knows math, knows that's a lie.
The population base is getting older.
Its getting larger. And, there are
always new medical advances, and
drugs, which are expensive. There's
no way we can provide healthcare for
everyone. So, we'll need a way to
contain costs. That's where my plan
comes in, 'The Complete Lives
System.' Rather than the antiquated
system of triaging (treating the sickest
first), since doctors will lie about how
sick their patients are, we'll use my
system. Age will be the determining
factor. You can't lie with an
electronic record about how old you
are. We know that people between
the ages of 15 and 40 are the most
productive to society, and therefore
they should get the most amount of
healthcare. People under the age of
15 and over the age of 40 are less
productive to society and therefore
should get less healthcare and maybe
none at all. And that may sound cold
and harsh to some of you. But, the
biggest hurdle we're going to have is
the Hippocratic oath. We need to get
physicians to ignore what's good for
their patients and do what's good for
society at large. What's good for the
This was a lecture that I wish I had taped,
since it was a time when the mask came
off a Progressive. ..."
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