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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fwd: 2/9/14 OBAMA ASKS IRAN TO RELEASE SAEED ABEDINI ! (& kenneth bae),search:,prayer breakfast,kenneth bae,

2/9/14 OBAMA ASKS IRAN TO RELEASE SAEED ABEDINI ! (& kenneth bae),search:,prayer breakfast,kenneth bae, ;*read more at
"WASHINGTON - More than
3,000 Americans from across the country
joined President Barack Obama Thursday
for the National Prayer Breakfast in
Washington, D.C.
The president focused his remarks on
religious freedom in other countries, calling
it key to national security and a central
tenet of American diplomacy.
Driving home his point, he publicly called
for the release of Christian missionary
Kenneth Bae, who is imprisoned in North
Korea, as well as American Pastor Saeed
Abedini , who's been held captive in Iran for
more than a year and a half...."
"All men will hate you because of me, but He who stands firm to the end will be saved."Matthew 10:22,posted by vk
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