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Obama, Now Biden, or Harris? Will we Survive ?

Obama, now Biden . Will we Survive ?


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Monday, April 14, 2014

Fwd: search:,obama,russian arms exporter,rosoboronexport,crimea,ukraine,dod,Mi-17 helicopters,bush, ;*read

4/12/14 SENATORS TELL OBAMA TO END CONTRACT w/ RUSSIA's ROSOBORONEXPORT (makes sense. Why did obama change the Bush sanctions in the 1st place?),,search:,obama,russian arms exporter,rosoboronexport,
crimea,ukraine,dod,Mi-17 helicopters,bush, ;*
"...Today, senators sent a strong bipartisan
message to Obama: cancel all existing
contracts with the Russian arms exporter
including upcoming deliveries, scrap plans
to ink new contracts, and put the company
back on the sanctions list where it belongs.
... "Since 2011, DoD has awarded
Rosoboronexport more than $1 billion in
no-bid contracts for the procurement of
Mi-17 helicopters. Prior to that, this agency
had rightly been under U.S. sanctions for
several years."
The sanctions barring any business with the
firm had been placed on Rosoboronexport
by President George W. Bush in 2008. When
Obama decided to lift the sanctions..."
"Jesus straightened up and asked her [the woman caught in adultery], "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" "No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."..." John 8:10-11,posted by vk
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